Tags → #tech
Remaking this blog for fun and learning
This article discusses the my experience of remaking my blog, learning about web development tools and infrastructure, and implementing new features such as dark mode and private drafts.
Software isn't bloated
Software today is no more worse than it was in the 80s or 90s.
Rust 2021: Lower the barriers
Rust's success is guaranteed on a long enough timescale, but lowering the barrier to entry by making it easier to learn is crucial for its adoption rate.
Factorio and Software Engineering
How playing the game Factorio reminds me of software engineering, from managing complexity to teamwork and automation
Setting up this blog
This article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up a static blog using Hugo, Git, Nginx, and Let's Encrypt on a Linux server.
Should I buy Bitcoin?
This article explores the question of whether or not to invest in Bitcoin, examining its value as a currency and asset, as well as its potential for future growth and stability.
Implementing AES
This article explains how to implement the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm
How Goroutines Work
This article explains the differences between goroutines and threads and how goroutines work in Go programming language.
First post
A personal blog about mundane observations on reading, programming, and gaming, with occasional updates and vain attempts to drive traffic to the blog.